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Social Media

BTEC 1113 SOCIAL MEDIA (Formerly CSCI 1113)
Social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, blogging, etc., are technologies that enable individuals to
create, collaborate, and share messages with audiences of all sizes. Students will explore the possibilities
and limitations of social media and will have hands-on experience with several forms of social media
technology. Those who complete this course will know how to use social media productively, and have a
framework for understanding and evaluating new tools and platforms. This course will highlight new
effective strategies and applications of these platforms in this course you will be required to participate
in social networks, forums, blogs, wikis, micro-blogs, and more.

Murphy Arts District
City of El Dorado

City of El Dorado Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer visits

MAD(Murphy Arts District) Chief Marketing Officer Bob Tarren(right wearing blue sports coat) and Marketing Coordinator Joanna Benson (far right) pose for a class photo after delivering a presentation to my social media class at South Arkansas Community College in El Dorado, Ark., on Wednesday, Feb 27, 2019. The marketing duo discussed branding, messaging and timing on social media platforms.
City of El Dorado Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer visits my social media class to discuss the role social media played in her campaign.