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Media, War & Conflict

Media, War & Conflict is a major international, peer-reviewed journal that maps the shifting arena of war and conflict in media environments and ecologies. It explores cultural, political, social and technological transformations in the conduct, outcome and consequences of intensively mediated war.

Media, War & Conflict is the first inter- and multi- disciplinary journal to be dedicated to this field. It publishes substantial research articles, essays and reviews. It solicits submissions from academics, professionals and practitioners. The editors are looking for innovative work that contributes to existing debates and identifies emerging challenges in the convergence of media, war and conflict.

Topic coverage includes how media, war and conflict converge in subjects such as:

  • Journalism and witnessing
  • Security, politics and militaries
  • Art, aesthetics, photography, film and popular culture
  • Technologies, spatialities and architectures
  • Aftermath, reconciliation, peace processes
  • Memory, commemoration and archives
  • Identity and embodiment
  • Practices, cultures and ethics
  • Audiences and engagement
  • Narratives, legitimation of war and peace