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A-State Courses


MDIA 2043 – Basic Digital Photography (Photojournalism 1)

Sem. Hrs:3

Fundamental concepts and functional skills associated with basic digital photographic and videographic storytelling, such as camera tech, composition, and basic lighting. Fall, Spring, Summer.

MDIA 2053 – Introduction to Visual Communications

Sem. Hrs:3

Study of the principles, theories, and language of visual communication to help students analyze, interpret and apply visual content to communicate more effectively. Spring, Summer.MDIA 2313 – Digital Media Production

MDIA 4053 – Civic Reporting

Sem. Hrs:3

Reporting on public affairs, emphasizing courts, local govern­ment, education, the economy, and politics using data-driven reporting and multimedia support (such as photo slideshows, information graphics, audio and video packages, data journalism, and social media posts). Spring.

Prerequisites: grade of C or better in MDIA 3013 or instructor permis­sion.

MDIA 2313 – Digital Media Production

Sem. Hrs:3

Introductory course in audio, video, photo and multi­media production for many distribution platforms. Fall, Summer.

MDIA 3013 – Multimedia Reporting

Sem. Hrs:3

Techniques for print, online, and broadcast media reporting. Fall, Spring.

Prerequisites: grade of C or better in MDIA 2313 and MDIA 2323 or instructor permission.

MDIA 3063/4063 – Editing for Publications and the Web (News Editing & News Design)

Sem. Hrs:3

Editing and rewriting news stories, writing headlines and cutlines, legal and ethical issues for editors, and the basic principles of news design for print and the Web. Fall.

Prerequisites:MDIA 3013.
Dual Listed/Cross Listed: Dual listed as MDIA 5063.

MDIA 2201 – News Practicum I

Sem. Hrs:1

An introductory experience in news production. Students will be assigned to work for either The Herald or RWR to produce portfolio-worthy materials Fall, Spring, Summer. Restricted to Multimedia Journalism majors.

Prerequisites:MDIA 1013 and MDIA 2313, or instructor permission.

MDIA 3201 – News Practicum II

Sem. Hrs:1

A mid-level experience in news production. Students will be assigned to work for either ASUTV-News, RWR, or KASU to produce portfolio-worthy materials. Must be taken consecutively, not concurrently with other practicums. Fall, Spring, Summer. Restricted to Multimedia Journalism majors.

Prerequisites:MDIA 2201 and MDIA 2043, or instructor permission.

MDIA 4202 – News Practicum III

Sem. Hrs:2

A capstone experience in news production. Students will work for DDNS to produce portfolio-worthy materials and complete final assessment for the practicum. Must be taken consecutively, not concurrently with other practicums. Fall, Spring, Summer. Restricted to Multimedia Journalism majors.

Prerequisites:MDIA 3013MDIA 3201 and MDIA 4063; or instructor permission.

MDIA 3093 – Photo Storytelling 1 (Photojournalism 2)

Sem. Hrs:3

Integration of multimedia journalism techniques into photog­raphy. Spring.

Prerequisites:MDIA 2043, or instructor permission.

MDIA 4013 – Photo Storytelling II (Photojournalism 3)

Sem. Hrs:3

Advanced theories and skills associated with digital photo­journalism when producing photo stories. May require: transportation, digital SLR camera, audio recording device, and external hard drive. Six hours of laboratory work per week. Fall.

Prerequisites:MDIA 3093.


GCOM 1813 – Introduction to Digital Publishing (Digital Publishing 1)

Sem. Hrs:3

An overview of the preparation of digital graphics, photographs and text for publication, and of their interrelationships. Includes applica­tion of current digital publishing software programs. Fall.

GCOM 2673 – Digital Prepress Workflow (Digital Publishing 2)

Sem. Hrs:3

Comprehensive overview of the major prepublishing workflow elements and the options or their interrelationships. Spring.

GCOM 3603 – Graphic Production Systems (Digital Publishing 3)

Sem. Hrs:3

Exploration of the Press and Post Press processes of graphic reproduction and publishing. Critical aspects unique to each process will be studied including copy preparation, image carriers, image transfer systems, substrates, inks/toners and post press operations. Each process will be studied through classroom experiences, industrial visitations and/or laboratory experiences. Fall.

Prerequisites: GCOM 1813.

GCOM 3673 – Desktop Publishing and Publication Design

Sem. Hrs:3

Electronic publishing and publica­tion design using desktop publishing software programs. Fall, Spring, Summer. $25.00

MDIA 2033 – Writing for Creative Media I

Sem. Hrs:3

Overview of the principles of scriptwriting for creative media, including commercials, corporate videos, television and film programming. Fall, Spring.